The meeting on ‘The Management of the Italian Natural Science Collections’ will take place in Rome on October 14th, 2014. The Meeting, promoted by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Association of Scientific Museums, aims at starting a debate on possible solutions that could lead to a more efficient management and a better valorization of the Italian natural science collections, nowadays in precarious conditions. To date, in Italy the collections are distributed in museums located over the whole country, with no central coordination at variance with Germany, where similarly distributed museums are coordinated by a principal central structure. The functional unification of the major Italian natural science collections would result in a more reliable and modern management of an important cultural heritage, and in addition would entail precious overall savings, as required by the present economic situation.
The Meeting will take place in Villa Torlonia (entrance from Via L. Spallanzani 1/A) at the National Academy of Sciences Library, Scuderie Vecchie