The meeting, promoted by the Academy in collaboration with the Polytechnic and with the support of the National Research Council will take place on March 10, 2017 in the framework of the series on Science and Technology in the Anthropocene: risks and benefits. Big Data and flows of knowledge: the event arises from the reflection that nowadays we live in the era of large decentralized and distributed areas where the devices collecting data, their number and heterogeneity may get out of control. Based on a Gartner report, the volume of information collected throughout the world increases annually by at least 59%. Overall, the pervasiveness of digital technologies has changed the way individuals interact with the outside world (sensors technologies) and with each other (social media) as it generates and uses enormous masses of data, that are often unstructured, of the streaming type, strongly dynamic, whose capture and presentation does not entail the intervention of a human operator. Consequently, to arrive at achieving new knowledge for a person or an organization, data elaboration, evaluation and organization become indispensable. The aim of the meeting is to analyze the phenomenon and suggest methodological and technical approaches targeted to solve the resulting problems.
Speakers: Letizia Tanca (Polytechnic of Milan), Cristina Silvano (Polytechnic of Milan), Maria Girone (CERN), Carlo Batini (University of Milano Bicocca), Maria Giovanna Sami (Polytechnic of Milan and Academy member)