Agriculture and agricultural research in the First World War[:]

The volume edited recently by the Academy collects the proceedings of the meeting organized in Milan on December 2-3, 2015 in the framework of the multi-annual project ‘Sciences and the Great War’ promoted by the Academy under the aegis of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

The volume proposes an original investigation on the technical-scientific changes and on the new organization of production experienced by the agricultural world during the war, a period that represents a turning point for the organization of agricultural research, the knowledge increase and its operational finalization. The roles of the International Institute of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture Commerce and Industry are discussed, as well as the network of information required to face the needs of domestic and troops supply, the relationship between agriculture and  food resources with Federconsorzi, and lastly, the contribution of specific disciplines, like chemistry, statistics and mathematics.

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Agriculture and agricultural research in the First World War, Proceedings of the Meeting in Milan, December 2-3, 2015.

Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, Scritti e Documenti Vol. LI, Roma 2016. ISBN 978-88-98075-18-8