The National Committee Angelo Secchi SJ. Forthcoming appointments.

The celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the birth of Angelo Secchi SJ, illustrious member of the National Academy of Sciences called of the XL, are at start. The National Committee set up by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (MIBACT) is handled by the proposing institutions, the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) and the Academy, in collaboration with other national centers and institutions. The Committee’s role is to coordinate the different scientific and cultural initiatives aiming at the valorization and rediscovery of the multifaceted figure of the eminent scholar. In addition, the events will provide the occasion to valorize Secchi’s historical tangible and intangible heritage and thereby highlight the quality of Italian astronomy and of the other disciplines that have taken inspiration from his studies and his discoveries.

Forthcoming appointments:

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