The volume ‘Italian Scientists and the Unification of Italy’, published by the National Academy of Sciences called of the XL, collects the proceedings of the homonymous meeting organized by the Academy in November 2011 in the framework of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The meeting was promoted in collaboration with Pristem-Bocconi Centre, the Italian Society for History of Sciences and the National Group for Fundaments and History of Chemistry. The volume provides an overview of the contributions scientists have given to the development of different scientific disciplines, of the civil and politic role of scientists and of their importance for the economic growth and the social progress of the Country.
(The volume is available only in Italian)
Authors: Enrico Alleva, Giovanni Battimelli, Renato Betti, Pietro Calissano, Davide Cenadelli, Simona Cirani, Michele De Benedictis, Giovanni Favero, Andrea Giuntini, Angelo Guerraggio, Giulio Maltese, Gennaro Marino, Giuseppe Marrucci, Alessandro Minelli, Annibale Mottana, Nicoletta Nicolini, Giovanni Paoloni, Enrico Porceddu, Franco Prodi, Raffella Simili, Pasquale Tucci.
AA.VV., Scienziati Italiani e Unità d’Italia, Atti del convegno ‘Scienziati Italiani e Unità d’Italia’, Roma 14-17 novembre 2011, Scritti e Documenti vol. XLV, Roma, 2012. ISSN 03914666 ISBN 978-88-548-4958-7