On May 23, 2024, the Academy of XL will inaugurate the 242nd Academic Year since its founding. On this occasion, the President will welcome the newly elected national members, Prof. Barbara Fantechi, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Superiori (SISSA), Trieste, Italy, and Prof. Giovanni Paoloni, Sapienza University of Rome, and the new foreign members, Prof. Maria Grazia Spillantini, Cambridge University, and Prof. Vladimir G. Kossobokov, Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics, Moscow.
During the Ceremony, the Medals of XL for the year 2024 will be presented: the Medal of XL for Mathematics to Prof. Michela Procesi, University of RomaTre; the Medal of XL for Physical and Natural Sciences to Prof. Luca Bindi, University of Florence; the Matteucci Medal to Prof. Helen Quinn, Stanford University; and the Chiancone Medal to Prof. Paola Bonfante, University of Turin.
Prof. Helen Quinn will give a talk on Mistakes on the way to a good idea and Prof. Paola Bonfante one on Plants and fungi: a symbiotic adventure that began 470 million years ago.
The meeting will be held at the Academic Library (Via Lazzaro Spallanzani 1/A).
To participate in attendance, please register at segreteria@accademiaxl.it