June 8, 2023, will see the presentation in Rome of the Travel Diaries of Angelo Secchi, a distinguished member of the Academy, a multifaceted figure and one of the most interesting of the Italian nineteenth century, who has been widely remembered in recent years with a dense program of initiatives carried out by the National Committee for the bicentennial of his birth. Director of the Observatory of the Collegio Romano, he is counted among the founders of modern astrophysics and made important contributions to the development of numerous sciences. The volume that will be presented is edited by Ileana Chinnici a research astronomer at the INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, an expert in the history of astronomy and astrophysics,.
The volume collects transcripts of several of her travel diaries, preserved in the archives of the INAF-Observatory of Rome and the Gregorian University.
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