The Academy participates in ‘Itinercultura’ a joined initiative of the Latium Region and of the national and regional Cultural Institutions coordinated by the National Institute of Roman Studies (Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani), the project leader, which produced two innovative items for the general public, one addressed to nostalgics of printed paper and the other to novices of the web. The Institutes cover diverse areas of interest and encompass numerous cultural contexts: history, science, economy, arts, ethno-anthropology, music, politics, philosophy, theatre, law. The Institutes are all open to the public; many have their seat in historical and prestigious buildings in Rome or else in the Latium region, or are located in high value naturalistic or artistic contexts, and represent centers of excellence in the cultural panorama of Latium. Now, ‘Itinercultura’ renders them available to citizens, scholars, the general public, tourists and fans.
The ‘Itinercultura’ guide, produced as leaflet and as app, provides a wide public with the possibility to learn about the institutions and their seats and to create personal thematic routes and cultural itineraries in the Latium region.