A conference on Innovative Strategies for the Study of Sustainable Advanced Nano-Biomaterials will be held in Rome on Sept. 29, 2023. Nanoscience and technology have enabled a shift toward a sustainable paradigm in the design and fabrication of nanomaterials and smart nanodevices. With the growth of the world’s population and rapid technological innovations, the demand for new solutions from energy to imaging and healthcare is driving the world’s focus on immediate action to ensure sustainable living. Research in smart materials, and the development of radically new technologies are strategic to fuel and sustain our development. Optoelectronics, bioengineering, and additive manufacturing are key players in supporting this challenge, capitalizing on the development of low-cost next-generation materials, integrated devices, and the immense potential of applying new physical phenomena related to technological breakthroughs. Current challenges in developing, validating and implementing innovative solutions for future nano-biomaterials will be discussed. The conference is organized by the Academic member prof. Giulia Grancini.
The event will take place at the BIblioteca dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL (Scuderie Vecchie di Villa Torlonia, entrance Via L. Spallanzani 1/A, Rome)