Gian Tommaso Scarascia Mugnozza, a scientist at the service of the Country’

The National Academy of Sciences remembers the beloved President prof. Gian Tommaso Scarascia Mugnozza, together with Authorities, colleagues and pupils during the ceremony that will take place at the Sala degli Atti Parlamentari of the Biblioteca del Senato ‘Giovanni Spadolini’ (Piazza della Minerva 38). at 9.30 a.m. Speakers: Alessandro Ballio, Luigi Berlinguer, Gerardo Bianco, Antonio Blanco, Emilia Chiancone, Giuseppe Fioroni, Ervedo Giordano, Giovanni Lelli, Giovanni Lo Piparo, Lamberto Maffei, Giampiero Maracchi, Massimo Miglio, Luigi Monti, Enrico Porceddu, Luigi Rossi, Roberto Schmid.

Rome, November 9th, 2011