Academy member Giampiero Maracchi, emeritus Professor of Agro-meteorology and Climatology at the University of Florence, is the 21st President of the Accademia dei Georgofili, a prestigious XVIII century Academy that operates for the progress of science and its application in agriculture, in environmental protection and agricultural land conservation and for the development of rural districts. Professor Maracchi, a climatologist of international reputation, has been in office as: founder and director of the National Research Council Biometeorology Institute and of the Regional Meteorological Training Centre belonging to the World Meteorological Organization (Geneva); Scientific Council member of the Italian Space Program; Italian Delegate for the Environment Programs funded by the DG-XII – EU (Brussels); promoter and president of the Foundation for Climate and Sustainability; founder and president of the Meteorology and Environmental Sustainability Laborator, LAMMA; President of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio of Florence (July, 2014)