Chemistry and cultural heritage. A workshop in Rome

The role of chemical sciences in the study of cultural heritage has a long and solid tradition in our country, however the integration of the different methodologies and strategies is lacking due to the excessive specializations in which the chemical sciences are being established today. The workshop entitled ‘New Chemical Methodologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage’, collected contributions from experts in various fields of specialization in modern chemistry – from spectroscopies, to nanotechnologies, to ultra-sensitive analytical methods – which are compared with the field workers (restorers, conservators, art historians, archaeologists, etc.) on the effectiveness of an integrated use of these methodologies in order to solve the many complex problems connected with historical-artistic investigations, with conservation and with restoration.



New chemical methods for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage

Rome, 18 October 2019 9:30 – 13:30

Library of the Academy of XL

Old Stables of Villa Torlonia – Via L. Spallanzani 1 / A