Non-equilibrium processes and laser chemistry: from the biosphere to the cosmos. Conference in Rome

On March 29, the Academy will host the conference “Non-equilibrium processes and laser-chemistry: from biospheres to the cosmos” at the Library of the National Academy of Sciences called off the XL. The conference’s topics concern different sectors of specialization of the modern physical chemistry, mainly methodologies that use not only lasers, but also synchrotron light to investigate systems of biological, astrochemical, or applicative interest in the field of energy, cultural heritage and nanotechnologies. The conference is dedicated to Prof. Anna Giardini and brings together contributions from students and colleagues who have collaborated with her in the past years and who have been influenced by the extent of her research; the event is part of the “Days on Sciences of Change and Transitions”, and will follow the two-day event dedicated to the Academy’s member Giangualberto Volpi, “Chemical kinetics at micro-, meso-, bio-scales”, which will take place at the Accademia dei Lincei on 27 and 28 March.

The event will be live streamed on
 Programme Convegno Processi di non-equilibrio e laser-chimica: dalle biosfere al cosmo