Giotto Dainelli: explorer. A meeting in Rome

On the fiftieth anniversary of the death of this distinguished scientist, the National Academy of Sciences called of the XL, the Italian Geographical Society, and the International  Association of Mediterranean and Eastern Studies (ISMEO), organize the meeting ‘Giotto Dainelli: geographer, geologist, explorer’ to be held in Rome on December 10 and 11, 2018. Giotto Dainelli, was an Academy member from 1936 to 1968, the year of his death.

Giotto Dainelli started his career as explorer, geographer and geologist before his degree, which comprised a survey in Dalmatia, and dedicated himself thereafter to Karakorùm and Eritrea. The exploration, together with Olinto Marinelli, of this colony in 1905 was the beginning of the systematic study by Dainelli and his school of Florentine geologists of the whole Horn of Africa. The study was completed by himself and finally published in 1943.



December 10, 2018

Società Geografica Italiana, Villa Celimontana

Palazzetto Mattei, Via della Navicella 12


December 11, 2018

Library of the National Academy of Sciences called of the XL

Scuderie Vecchie di Villa Torlonia, Via L. Spallanzani 1/A