Guided tours at the Academy

On the occasion of Open House 2019, the international event that aims at valuing the cultural and architectural heritage through the engagement of the whole territory, the headquarters of the Academy will be opened to the public in May on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12. (more…)

The Portal of Science Archives. Presentation in Rome and Milan

The Science Archives Portal, a joint endeavour of the Academy and of the Science and Technology Museum Leonardo da Vinci in Milan (with the contribution of MIUR, the italian Ministry for higher Education and Research), will be officially presented during  two public events to be held in Rome (February 25) and Milan (March 4). (more…)

The digital road. Communicating the Heritage

The meeting ‘Protection and valorization of the historic-scientific heritage’ is held in the framework of the Academy participation in the European network DiCultHer – the acronym of Digital Cultural Heritage –  whose mission is to promote digital skills in the cultural heritage field. (more…)

Giotto Dainelli: explorer. A meeting in Rome

On the fiftieth anniversary of the death of this distinguished scientist, the National Academy of Sciences called of the XL, the Italian Geographical Society, and the International  Association of Mediterranean and Eastern Studies (ISMEO), organize the meeting ‘Giotto Dainelli: geographer, geologist, explorer’ to be held in Rome on December 10 and 11, 2018. Giotto Dainelli, was an Academy member from 1936 to 1968, the year of his death. (more…)