Agriculture for sustainability. A workshop in Rome.

On June 15, 2022, the conference “Agriculture for sustainability” will take place at the Library of the National Academy of Sciences known as the XL in Rome. The event is organized in collaboration with the Georgofili Academy, the Italian Association of Agricultural Scientific Societies and the Italian Federation of Doctors in Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.

“The way of farming is not independent of environmental problems, on the contrary it is almost magna pars. Just think that the percentage of national soil (and this is true for most of the nation states of the entire planet) destined for agriculture and forests , represents, by far, the majority. Citizens from all over the world, but especially Italians, no longer have a direct link with the practices of the camps, as still happened in the immediate post-war period, but have an increased sensitivity to everything that represents their diet It is therefore urgent to communicate how agriculture takes on this concern and how it responds with the technical-scientific solutions at its disposal. Herbaceous and tree crops; Forestry. In addition specific considerations will concern: a) the agricultural soil (with particular reference to its deterioration); b) the new economic-agricultural policy; c) the role of genetic improvement of plants. ”

The event will also be broadcast live Zoom. To participate, you must register at, specifying whether you intend to participate in person or remotely.
